Space Economy Web Portal



The Space Economy Web Portal, operated by ESA, serves as a huge platform for sharing information on the space economy, facilitating business development by enhancing synergies and collaboration.


The European Space Agency is dedicated to advancing Europe's space capabilities while ensuring that investments consistently strengthen the competitiveness of European industry and generate benefits for citizens globally. Since the 1990s, ESA has been at the forefront of measuring the socio-economic impact of its activities, leveraging expertise from Member States and international organisations.

space economy portal


The Space Economy Web Portal is a crucial tool in furthering ESA's mission and nurturing a thriving European space economy. It provides:

  • up-to-date information on space economy trends, opportunities, policies and their market impact
  • a networking platform for professionals and organisations
  • insights on space economy policies and strategies.


This “digital hub” serves these key functions:

  • information sharing, as it acts as a central repository
  • industry engagement, facilitating the promotion of collaborative initiatives with partners
  • connection among professionals, organisations, and stakeholders in a dynamic environment
  • business facilitation, supporting business development and partnerships within the space economy ecosystem.
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G-nous role

G-nous devised the innovative concept for the ESA Space Economy web platform.

engineering and building the platform from the ground up, ensuring a user-friendly interface.

G-nous currently manages the platform, providing analytics and insights derived from platform usage, informing strategic decisions and improvements.

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